Greetings Community Faith Leader!
This page has been created to introduce you to the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. The Get In The Car Group of A.A. located in Grapevine, Texas. A.A. has a long history of working with all professionals in the local community to provide information about what A.A. is, what it isn’t – what alcoholism is and what it isn’t.
Community faith leaders are often among the first persons sick and suffering alcoholics approach for help and understanding — and frequently the first to whom they candidly acknowledge their illness. Alcoholics Anonymous has always tried to be a helpful ally of religious communities and we would like you to know that we are here as a resource for the suffering alcoholic.
Introducing problem drinkers to A.A. can be as simple as having them go to the homepage of the A.A. website, www.aa.org, and click on Need Help with a Drinking Problem? Here in the D/FW area, we are lucky to have two offices that handle a lot of services to help both members of A.A. as well as those who reach out for help. The Dallas A.A. Central Office and the Fort Worth Central Office of A.A. Both of those offices help distribute information about A.A. meetings in the D/FW metroplex.
A.A. in Tarrant County has access to list of local A.A. meetings and it can be found at https://www.fortworthaa.org/meeting-table/ and our Fort Worth Central Office also has literature you can share with those who are interested. If you would like a display rack of literature, that can also be arranged.
A.A. has both Open and Closed meetings. Open meetings are for anyone interested in finding out more about our program of recovery. Closed meetings are only for those with a desire to stop drinking. We warmly invite you to attend any open meeting and would be happy to accompany someone with a drinking problem to a meeting if that would help them feel more comfortable trying A.A.
A.A. does not inquire into alcoholics’ religious beliefs — or lack thereof — when they turn to the Fellowship for help. However, the A.A. program of recovery is based on certain spiritual values. Individual members are free to interpret these values as they think best, or not to think about them at all.
Today A.A. has over two million members in 180 countries around the world. In the U.S. and Canada alone, there are over 65,000 A.A. groups offering hope to the sick and suffering alcoholic.
We are always seeking to strengthen and expand our communication with members of faith communities and to work more effectively with you in achieving the purpose we share: to help the alcoholic who still suffers. Please contact us if there is any way we can be of service.
Rick W.
Get In The Car Group of Alcoholics Anonymous
Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee Member
Mobile/Text: 917-698-0722