Speaker Archives

2023 (first Friday of each month)
JAN:  Krystyn K., Get In The Car Group, Grapevine, TX (GITC 4th Anniversary)
FEB:  DougW., Clear Cut Directrions, Southlake, TX
MAR: Angie B., Language of the Heart, Colleyville, TX
APR: Shawn O., VA Big Book, Vienna, VA
MAY: Nicole S, Chapter 7 BB Group, Melissa, TX
JUN: Mary C., Get in the Car Group, Grapevine, TX
JUL: Sean B., Tuesday Nigh Speaker Meeting, Bedord, TX (coming soon)
AUG: PJ H., Northstar AA, Richardson, TX (coming soon)
SEP: TBA., xxx Group, xxx, XX
OCT: Chris B, Language of the Heart, Colleyville, TX (coming soon)
NOV: TBA., xxx Group, xxx, XX
DEC: TBA., xxx Group, xxx, XX

2022 (last Friday of each month)
JAN:  Mitchell F., Firing Line Young People’s Group, Anniston, AL (GITC 3rd Anniversary)
FEB:  Kyle N., Rule 62 Group, North Austin, TX
MAR:  Ruth L., Friday Finchley Group, Beaconsfield, Quebec
APR:  Gary H., Grapevine Unity Group, Grapevine, TX
MAY:  Brandyn R., Bedford Barr Street Group, Bedford, TX
JUN:  John K., Get In The Car Group, Grapevine, TX
JUL:  John L., Arlington Group, Arlington, TX
AUG: Glenna W., Language of the Heart Group, Colleyville, TX
SEP:  Floyd R., Waxahachie Group, Waxahachie, TX
OCT:  Deb M., Simply AA Group, Irving, TX
NOV: Chris D., Midtown Group, Oakton, VA
DEC: No Speaker (moved to January 9, 2023)

2021 (last Friday of each month)
JAN:  Baxter B., Chicago Group, Dallas, TX (GITC 2nd Anniversary)
FEB:  Matt T., Lake Highlands Group, Dallas, TX
MAR:  Kim S., Harbor Group, Fort Worth, TX
APR:  Jennifer D., Midtown Group, Wilmington, NC
MAY:  Jess H., Mustard Seed Group, New York, NY
JUN:  Matt C., Rule 62 Group, Austin, TX
JUL:  Martin D., Get In the Car Group, Grapevine, TX
AUG: Brandy H., Mid Cities Group, Hurst, TX
SEP:  Kelly M., Primary Purpose Group, Dallas, TX
OCT:  Joe P., Frisco Group, Frisco, TX
NOV: Tim S., Lakeside Group, Rockwall, TX
DEC: Linda H., Language of the Heart Group, Colleyville, TX

2020 (last Friday of each month)
JAN:  Alec P., Altered Boys Group, OKC (GITC 1st Anniversary)
FEB:  Bill H., Glass House Group, Fort Worth, TX
MAR:  No Speaker
APR:  Nancy S., Foundation Group, North Richland Hills, TX
MAY:  Ed C., Tuesday Night Speaker Mtg Group, Haltom City, TX
JUN:  Jenny L., Chicago Group, Dallas, TX
JUL:  Paul P., Primary Purpose Group, Arlington, TX
AUG: Nicole S., Allen Group, Allen, TX
SEP:  Dusty W., Language of the Heart Group, Colleyville, TX
OCT:  Lore L.,Whitney Group, Rio Vista, TX
NOV: Chad L., Candlelight Meeting, Laguna Vista, TX
DEC : Anne K., Language of the Heart, Colleyville, TX

2019 (last Friday of each month)
JAN:  Claudia H., Tuesday Night Speaker Meeting, Haltom City, TX
FEB:  Keith D., Principles Group, Dallas, TX
MAR:  Jimmy D., Chicago Group, Dallas, TX
APR:  Chris C., Unfortunates Group, Frisco, TX
MAY:  Mo N., Fenton Big Book Group, St. Louis, MO
JUN:  PJ H., Allen Group, Allen TX
JUL:  Tom M., No Hassle Group, Dallas, TX
AUG: Wayne H., Shivering Denizens Group, Frisco, TX
SEP:  Joe O., Language of the Heart Group, Colleyville, TX
OCT:  Chris V., Language of the Heart Group, Colleyville, TX
NOV: Eric R., Lake Highlands Group, Dallas, TX
DEC: Jennifer H-K., Legacy Group, Plano TX

New GITC Speaker Meeting Schedule Starting January 2023

Our group conscience made the decision to move our monthly open speaker meeting and member birthday celebration to the first Friday of each month starting in January 2023 that will celebrate GITC member birthday’s from the preceding month.

This means there will be no speaker meeting for GITC in the month of December 2022.

GSR (General Service Representative)

**Delegate Updates**


G.S.R Announcements

District 61 Related Information (Geographically, GITC sits in District 61 with approximately 23 other A.A. groups in our local area)

Northeast Texas Area 65 (NETA65) Related Information (neta65.org) (Geographically, Area 65 sits in the Northeast region of Texas with approximately 450 other A.A. groups from Texarkana to Abilene to Waco to the TX/LA border)

Note about the upcoming Spring Assembly. In order to participate in a mock committee and/or vote during the business portions of the assembly, you will need to be there in person. At the ACM this past weekend we will be having parts of the Assembly on zoom. Basically for the mock committee report backs, and the business portion of the assembly (limited to viewing, voting must be done in person). Keep an eye out on the NETA 65 website or an eblast with the final version of the agenda. There will be a few motions to vote on, including the motion that District 61 submitted.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

General Service Conference Related Information (See Org Chart)

        • 71st General Service Conference: Letter from our NETA65 Delegate, Wayne H. and Full Access to Final Decisions (Click Here)

Additional Service Related Information

        • Box 4-5-9 Fall 2021 Edition: Its just in the Fall 2021 Edition of Box 459 is out. See our new Class A ( Non Alcoholic) Trustees and read a little Bio about them. The General Service Board has selected two and they will serve us for the next 6 years. (view/download)

Additional Upcoming Meetings & Events Information

        • SWRAASA 2022: October 7th-9th (Register)

What Is a G.S.R.?

GSR’s links a home group with the whole of A.A. In 1950, a new type of trusted servant, “group representative,” was suggested to help in the selection of delegates to the newly formed General Service Conference. By 1953, the job of group representative was also seen as a good means of exchanging up-to-date information between individual groups and “Headquarters” (now the General Service Office). That’s still an important side of their work. But now, as general service representative, they have an even bigger responsibility: They transmit ideas and opinions, as well as facts; through them, the group conscience becomes a part of “the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship,” as expressed in the General Service Conference. Like everything else in A.A., it works through a series of simple steps. (For the complete picture in detail, read The A.A. Service Manual.)


August Newsletter

Greetings from the Get In The Car Group of A.A.

News From Our Group and Around A.A.

(In alphabetical order)


The Central Office Representative attends all COR meetings monthly to represent GITC. She will be responsible for keeping Central Office informed of any address change, contact information changes, or meeting format or schedule changes.  Additionally, she will provide and maintain Central Office with list of GITC volunteers willing to speak, take after hour phone calls, and make twelve step calls, stay abreast of Central Office newsletter (The Coffee Break), and relate back to the group any information they feel is important to the members.  She will notify Central Office of special meetings, i.e. workshops, anniversaries, etc., purchase all, and only, conference literature approved by the group and coordinate with monthly meeting chair person to ensure needed chips are purchased and available for birthday night.
Contact: Central Office Rep, Shannan C., ‭(817) 946-1931‬, schaler12@att.net


In A.A.land, the acronym “CPC” stands for “Cooperation with the Professional Community” and “PI” stand for “Public Information.”  Likely, if you’ve been to one of our meetings, you’ve heard our CPC Chair, Jennifer J., mention that she is looking for committee members to help her share information about A.A. with local professionals in our community.  Helping judges, lawyers, doctors, school counselors, etc. better understand the disease of alcoholism and better understand what A.A. is and what it isn’t, is truly an important job.  If you are interested in getting in the car and taking our message out into the community, please reach out directly to our CPC/PI Chair.
Contact: CPC/PI Chair, Jennifer J., 817-229-5162, Jhowittpitt@hotmail.com

Many A.A. members are unaware of the important work being carried out by corrections committees. To those involved, however, corrections work is an opportunity to carry the A.A. message to the confined alcoholic who wants to live sober, one day at a time. Through a corrections committee working with corrections personnel, alcoholics are reached who might never otherwise find the A.A. program.

GITC’s corrections committee is a vital link to prisons and jails, providing professionals and other workers in correctional facilities with information about A.A., literature, and guidelines for setting up A.A. groups on the inside. If you are interested in getting involved in Corrections work in taking meetings into correctional facilities, reach out to our Corrections Chair and she will get you plugged in.

Contact: Corrections Chair, Daniele D., 817-658-6214, dd61206@gmail.com

The General Service Representative (GSR) is our group’s link to A.A. as a whole.  They are the link in the chain of communication for our group with the General Service Conference and the world of AA.  As trusted servants, their job is to bring information to our group in order that we may reach an informed group conscience about business matter for A.A. as a whole.  In passing along this group conscience, we are helping to maintain the unity and strength so vital to our fellowship.  There are many opportunities to do service outside of our group in the general service structure.  If you are interested in learning more, contact our G.S.R. and he will be happy to help you.
Contact: G.S.R., Terry C., 817-371-1231, tchaler@att.net
The hospitality committee is an important part of our group.  They ensure that the meetings are setup, the coffee is flowing, and the cookies are ready.  If you are looking for a place to get plugged in and to do service, this is a great place to start.  For more information, reach out to our Hospitality Chair and we will get you hooked up.
Contact: Hospitality Chair, Brian M., 214-356-9827, brian.manion@gmail.com
GITC believes that, “When We Got Busy – We Got Better,” and we are committed to all three legacies of A.A.  We are blessed that not only do we have an amazing Treatment Chair, Erik S., at our group; we have two (2) coed treatment center commitments:  The Right Step (Euless), every Tuesday evening from 6:30pm – 7:30pm (co-ed) and the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month from 7:30 – 8:30pm (separate men’s and women’s meetings).  If you would like to learn more about our commitments or sign up for one of the evenings, please reach out to our chair.
Contact: Treatment Chair, Erik S., 817-404-2374, we1939ers@yahoo.com


Thursday, August 20, 2020 @ 7:00pm CST
ZOOM Meeting ID: 946 361 8622
Password: 751764




Speaker Information

Thank you for agreeing to speak at the Get In The Car Group of A.A.

Below is information we provide for speakers that speak at our group.   If you have any questions about any of the items below, we encourage you to reach out to the GITC member who booked you and they will be happy to help you.

Important Note To All Speakers:  Please ensure you read this page and are comfortable with everything listed.  This page outlines the Tradition 2 conscience of our group and we want to ensure that all speakers are aware of what our group has asked all speakers honor while speaking at our group.  Thank you.

  1. Format:
    • Please share your experience, strength, and hope on how taking the 12 Steps of A.A. have given you a “personality change sufficient to recover from alcoholism” (spiritual experience).
    • Our group supports A.A.’s “Singleness of Purpose” (please do not share on any experience you may have with anything other than alcohol).
    • No profanity.
    • Our group is big on the idea that “When We Got Busy, We Got Better” Sharing your experience on service that you have done is always welcome.
  2. Suggested Attire:  Men – Coat & Tie / Women – Dress or Pant Suit
  3. Time: Please arrive at the church (or log into the ZOOM meeting) no later than 7:15pm CST so the meeting chair can spend a few moments getting to know you so they can introduce you.
  4. Directions:  Here’s a Google maps link to the church: CLICK HERE  (Center of Unity Church, 1650 Hughes Road, Grapevine, TX 76051 – image below).  Upon arriving at the church, drive around back and enter through the tinted glass doors under the covered patio.
  5. Recording: Please let the meeting chair know if it is ok to record your share.  We like to archive speaker recordings for our members in the Member’s Only (password protected) section of our website.
  6. Attendance:  It is your choice whether you wish to speak at our group in person, or on ZOOM, either is fine with us.  (ZOOM Info: Meeting ID: 946 361 8622 / Password: 751764)
  7. Flyer:  If you would like to download a flyer to share with your network, scroll down, click on your flyer.  It will enlarge and you can download it from there.

Thank you for your service and we look forward to welcoming you to GITC!


Upcoming Speakers 2024 (1st Friday of Month)

April – Ed C. (Tuesday Night Speaker Meeting)

May – Audrey C. (Suburban Group)

June – Ashleigh H (Get in the Car Group)

July – Dana F (Tuesday Night Speaker Meeting)

August – Scott B. (Tuesday Night Speaker Meeting)

September – Wayne H. (Shivering Denizens Group)

October – Jenny L (Chicago Group)

November – Tracie J (Chicago Group)

December – Zach C. (Get in the Car Group)

Group Flyer


Traditions Study



ALL GITC MEETINGS ARE HYBRID (both in-person and virtual)

WHERE: Center of Unity, 1650 Hughes Road Grapevine, TX 76051 (map)
*Please drive around to the back of the church and enter through the double doors. Our greeters will be happy to welcome you!

ZOOM Meeting ID: 946 361 8622 / PW: 751764


[FRIDAY] Closed Big Book Study
Every Friday (except for speaker meetings – see below)): 7:30pm – 9:00pm CST

[MONDAY] Open AA Conference Literature/Grapevine Discussion
Every Monday: 7:00pm – 8:00pm CST

Open Speaker Meeting & Birthday Celebration

First Friday 7:30pm – 9:00pm CST

Closed Traditions Study

Every Third Sunday: 7:00pm – 8:00pm CST

* A closed meeting of A.A. is for members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and “have a desire to stop drinking.”

If you are not sure you are an alcoholic, we encourage you to find an open meeting of A.A. by visiting Fort Worth Central Office’s website to locate one near you.

Format:   Big Book Study

First 164 pgs – then, Part l of the Personal Stories
First 164 pgs – then, Part ll of the Personal Stories
First 164 pgs – then, Part lll of the Personal Stories


History of Our Group

So, let me ask you a question….  as you’ve been making your way along your journey, have you ever thought or said to yourself, “I’m at that point in my recovery where I want more… I wanna go deeper”…  have you ever said that?

That’s exactly how the Get In The Car Group of A.A. in Grapevine, TX was born.

One of our founders, Rick W., was on a business trip in Oklahoma City and met a friend of his at his friend’s home group one evening.  That group was a Men’s Big Book study called the “Altered Boys” Group which meets at Chapel Hill UMC, 2717 W. Hefner Rd.

From the moment Rick entered that church, he had an overwhelming feeling of gratitude  for the greetings he received by the vast majority of the 75 men in attendance.  Each of those men had a big book in their hand (mostly falling apart),  smiles on their faces and a joyous heart that was palpable. The unique style and format of this meeting was unlike anything Rick had ever experienced to that point in his over 30 years of recovery.

The study was filled with shares by men who clearly knew our book, but more than that, had put into practical application the spiritual principles found in our program of action.  The love, generosity and humility in that meeting gave Rick a whole new understanding of “attraction rather than promotion.”

While there were many cool things that happened during that meeting, the most profound thing he experienced was at the end of the meeting.  As soon as the Lord’s Prayer was finished, every single one of those 75 men came to the center of the room, took a knee, put their hands on each others shoulders and put a member of their group who was taking his Third Step that night in the center of the room – and said his Third Step Prayer with him.  It was the most powerful thing  Rick had ever experienced IN an A.A. meeting.

He came back home and that experience stayed with him.  He started sharing it in his network (specifically with the two other founding members, Terry C. and Aaron P.).  Finally he was told, “Remember what our literature tells us, “WE CREATE THE FELLOWSHIP WE CRAVE.”  It was in that moment that the fire was ignited and other interested A.A. members started coming together to discuss the possibility with him. Lot’s of prayer, lots of conversations with respective sponsors happened, and on June 18, 2018; 13 members of A.A. (from various groups around the area) came together to begin the conversation.

God doing for the group what it couldn’t do for itself – everything started to unfold and on January 4, 2019 – the Get in the Car Group of A.A. held it’s first meeting at Center of Unity, 1650 Hughes Road Grapevine, TX 76051 (map).  We are grateful beyond measure to bring this deep and rich experience of the 12 Steps (Recovery), the 12 Traditions (Unity), and the 12 Concepts of World Service (Service) to Grapevine, TX.

May God continue to bless our journey as we share our program of action with the still suffering alcoholic.

About Our Group

About Our Name

Our name came from the early days of A.A. where sponsors often said to sponsees, “Get in the Car”– which meant, we’re going to help another alcoholic. THAT – is our 12th Step of recovery.  Our group members are “ALL IN” and committed to helping the still suffering alcoholic* in any way our program of action allows.

* Our group supports A.A.’s “Singleness of Purpose” in that our meetings will only focus on our problems as they relate to alcohol.

The Spirit of Our Group

The guiding philosophy of our A.A. group is to create a family of alcoholics who come together solely focused on the teaching, learning, growing, and practical application of the 36 spiritual principles found in our Steps, Traditions and Concepts of World Service. It is our prayer that we remain diligent in embodying this spirit of all three of our legacies with everything we do, so that we create a space for those who crave that very same fellowship. We believe that our actions speak louder than our words, and members of our group will seek to uphold these spiritual principles and support this family in all they do.

A very wise member of A.A. once said to a group of drunks: “If Jack Alexander* were to come to OUR group, close his eyes, and use what he heard to write a NEW article about A.A…, what would he write?”  It is our hope that every person who is a member of our group keeps this in mind when suiting up and showing up!

(* Jack Alexander wrote the popular March 1941 Saturday Evening Post article about A.A.)

Join Us For A Meeting

Our Commitment to Service

Our group fully participates within the A.A. General Service structure and the Northeast Texas Area 65 of Alcoholics Anonymous by having a General Service Representative (GSR) and Alternate General Service Representative (AGSR) that have been elected to be our group’s voice when business decisions are being made for A.A. in the U.S. and Canada.